We are representing not only Auburn University but also the state of Alabama and if we progress to the next round we will represent the United States!
What is it?
How do we encourage people to make better decisions about the food they eat?
How do we identify the correlation between starvation and obesity?
These are the questions "Love Feeds" is based upon.
How do we identify the correlation between starvation and obesity?
These are the questions "Love Feeds" is based upon.
Those struggling with food insecurity turn to food banks to provide. Unfortunately, the majority of donations food banks receive often times create the obesity and malnutrition we see. Alabama is both the second hungriest and second most obese state in the United States. We will begin our project's research here.
After we have a grasp on what the problem with donations is, we will turn to those who donate: the community and faith based organizations. We will call them to action using scripture such as James 2:15-17, "If a brother or sister lacks food and one of you says, "go in peace," and yet do not supply their bodily needs, what is the good of that? Faith if it has no works is dead."
After we call them to help fight the war on hunger we will equip them with a "Donate This, Not That" guide.
We plan do enact this course of action at local, state-wide, national, and global levels.
Join us as we tell the world the Love Feeds!
WARRR on hunger, hey!
Below are links to get involved in our project. You can vote 1x a day until April 30th. We need you to vote and share the link to vote on Facebook, twitter, pintrest, tumblr, blogspot, listservs, everywhere! If you want to help us in any other way please let me know. (cmb0030@auburn.edu)
http://apps.facebook.com/promosapp/258653/entry/262122 (LINK TO VOTE)
http://www.facebook.com/AUTFFChallenge (Like us on Facebook)
http://youtu.be/ubzNBVYXU_M (Proposal Video)
@AUTFFChallenge @AU_Co19 (Twitter Accounts)
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