Thankfully the people here are welcoming and I've made some great friends already. My room is me and four other guys (Josh Austin, Vaughn Volious, Jason Brown, and Chris Yoos) and everyone in my room is awesome in different ways. As the first week went by the awkwardness died out and as more time went along I ended up with a mohawk.

But, all that aside I've learned some good lessons from being the new guy. Inclusion is Important. Making people feel like you really value them and actually taking the time to get to know them and to really actually value them is important. Everyone wants to be loved. A smile can do wonders, it really is a gift to whomever you smile at. That lesson proves itself true daily at work. I'm front line cashier at McDonalds while on Leadership Project and let me tell you, it is for sure harder than most assume.

And every night after work we have some sort of meeting (evangelism training, bible study training, prayer training, d-group, project meal, project social) so lots of being taught while here. It is helping me really form my opinions on a lot of things. All in all I am definitely glad I am here, I think everyone needs an experience like this at some point in their life. More updates to come!
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