Week two of working under the golden arches has officially ended. Today was a great day at work, one lady I work with named Kaitaria Rodreguez asked for a Bible this week and Phillip and myself purchased one for her and got to give it to her today. It was awesome. Today was exactly what I feel evangelism should be. I got to give her the Bible because we already have a good relationship from working 8 hours a day with her. When I gave her the bible she told me she had lost hers and really needed a new one because she was worried about her kids going to hell, (they are 3 and 5 and speak only Spanish right now) and that opened up a window and I got to share my testimony with her. We continued talking and God was definitely present, it was great. All glory be to God! That is how I believe evangelism should be handled. To be corny and quote wicked, "People come into our lives for a reason."

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