Three months until these posts will be AWESOME adventures and stories sent weekly from an internet cafe off the crowded streets of downtown Lima. I can't believe it's really almost here! I'm finalizing my travel papers and its almost time to get my immunizations and as I look back to my posts about interviewing for this current reality this past summer I am astounded at how much time has escaped my grasp. It literally seems like a week ago when I was taking Suzanne's car on my day off on the streets of Myrtle Beach, SC to the cigar shop and then to my park to string up my hammock up on my day off from McDonalds contemplating not only my first interview with MTW and my 'potential' peru internship, but also my sophomore year at Auburn.
If there is one reoccurring them of my time here under the shade of Toomer's oaks it is the fact that God is sovereign and my plans absolutely are not his. In retrospect, my greatest blessings so far have been in the recovery of what seemed to be my in my eyes my biggest failures. What I thought I have needed God has proven to me is nothing compared to my need of him. Tonight my reading for my beloved British Literature class is a section out of Francis Bacon's Religious Meditations (how cool is my major). One line that stuck out to me was "there was never a proud man that thought so absurdly well of himself, as the lover doth of the person loved; therefore is is impossible to love and be wise"

How on earth was Bacon so wise and so gifted in his ability to eloquently write down his wisdom for others to chew on, I know I'm jealous. That quote, "it is impossible to love and be wise" shouted at me from the page. It is so irrevocably true. It makes no sense that God loves us when we continually turn our backs on him, continually doubt his plan, continually rely on nothing but our own weak efforts. Not in any definition of the earthly sense of wisdom is God's love for us wise. But thank God that he defines true wisdom, thank God his love is true wisdom. Without God's unwavering love, my life would be an absolute mess. In preparing for Peru I have to continually remind myself of this love so I will in turn be able to love the people that will be in my life during my time in Peru. Bringing everything full circle I would like to leave you with a big prayer request: That God will daily teach me here in Auburn what I need to know to be able to fully serve him in Peru. In my failures and in my successes that I will be fortified to do the work he is calling me to in just a short three months from now.
Very... Nicee... Blog.. I really appreciate it... Thanks..:-)