So its been a while since the last update. The last yall heard from me I was fasting for Peru and the missionaries there. Since then its been another full few weeks of McDonalds, lessons, and good memories.

All the talks are continually pushing me towards life as a missionary and I am beyond excited. This past thursday a man named Gabe came and talked to us about his life as a missionary. It was so good and hit me so hard, so many different things he said I felt like he said directly to me where I am right now. Example number one, he was talking about how English is becoming the number one pass into different countries. Relevance? English became my major last semester. He spent a lot of time saying discernment is one of the most important things for those in the mission field, discernment is one of my spiritual gifts. All the pieces are falling in place and now it is going to be completely up to the Lord to open doors for me to get where I am supposed to be. No updates about the MTW internship, I assume they are still sending my application to the different missionaries in Latin America. It's now completely in his hands which is so reassuring. On a whole different note, last night was "man night" here at L.P. It was great, we grilled steaks, fooled around in the pool, then went to myrtle beach high school and played capture the glow stick, so much fun.

As we only have three weeks left I find myself realizing just how easy it is here at L.P. It is so not the real world and going back to Huntsville then back to Auburn is going to be such a blessing. Will it be hard? Yes. Am I ready? Yes. I will miss Project and all my new friends so much but I am excited about the new opportunities I will have this upcoming year to spread the true Gospel on Auburn's campus and into the lives of the people in my life. Romans 14:11
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