This post is a little change from the normal verses I write but I want to remember today forever so, I'm writing it down. Brett and I were in my room when we went to to check on challenge three. We saw the karaoke challenge started in like an hour and decided to go string up our hammocks in front of Samford and hang and watch the Auburn University Hotel Ballroom incase T-Swift really came.
We noticed a crowd gathering and Payton told us it was really happening so we went over and shockingly enough it was true, she was in Auburn. We rushed into the parking lot only to be told we would be arrested if we did not stop and move over to the sidewalk. We then joined the crowd on the sidewalk and decided to start a mob into the parking lot. It worked. Us and a few other random girls started the mob and thankfully everyone joined! We rushed the parking lot and the cops and surrounded her car and the door she would be coming out.

The crowd, unknowingly pushed to close to her car and the cops started pushing us away. At first I was angry until the pushing somehow ended with me in the very front of the crowd. I was right in front of her car! Then, the moment I will NEVER forget, she rolled down the window and POINTED AT ME! Best moment of all of Freshman year. We then ran to Spencer's car and dialed up our local connection lady, Mrs. Landrum and she directed us to the airport where T-Swift's jet was. We got there in time to meet her Dad and he gave us one of her guitar picks!