Identity. Something no one can define except yourself. not through other peoples opinions of you, not through organizations, only through Christ can you find who you were truly to your core made to be. In other words stop searching for yourself when you have access to the answer. It is beyond selfish to say 'but no one understands me' stop. there are people in all of our life to whom our true souls can be bared to. So do it. Relationships are the only thing that when you leave this earth you will be able to bring with you. So forge them now, grow in fellowship, grow in memories, make mistakes together, hold each other accountable. Fill up the cups of friendship and let them overflow so they splash down for others to see and to thirst for then offer others a sip of friendship and direct them to Christ. Nothing is of our own will or power, through Christ only are we defined. I am blessed beyond what I take the time to be thankful for and this entry is a reminder to take the time to be thankful.